Let’s Know The Difference Between Web Shared Hosting & Domain
Understanding how domain and shared web hosting services work is the first step towards establishing a successful online presence with domain hosting services.
The Essentials of a Hosting Server
A hosting server is a type of “virtual space” where multimedia content, scripts, CSS files, and web page HTML code is stored. They can be provided for free or through paid services and are distinguished primarily by their control characteristics and features.
A paid cheap shared web hosting service gives you more control and availability. You can select a plan that includes the features you require for your website, and in most cases, customer support is available 24 hours a day. Paid hosting services do not display advertisements on your website.
How Do I Select a Hosting Service?
When you buy cheap shared hosting plans, several factors must be considered. This analysis will define the solutions that best fit a site’s needs, both in terms of resources and control.
The first step is to determine how much space will be required for the page’s hosting. There is no way to get an exact number. However, you can get an idea by looking at the number of resources, the number of images, and other content that will be used. In any case, prioritize scalable services. This allows your company to expand its available space as needed.
It is also necessary to define the size of the public that is intended to be reached. This allows for a more accurate estimate of the amount of monthly traffic that will be contracted, a metric that is used across multiple planes. In this case, the rule is simple: the more visitors there are, the more traffic there is.
Control options must not be overlooked. A page can serve as the key to a wealth of private information. In this regard, the contracted company must provide several options for those seeking to secure sensitive data. Security protocols define how a company will handle digital transactions and other sensitive transactions, so choose services that prioritize security.
The Plesk panel should provide quick access to all of the company’s resources. It allows you to create new accounts, change permissions, and hire new resources.
If the hosting server is used to access critical resources, the company must also assess the service’s uptime. It should ideally be available for more than 99% of hits so that the number of users affected by a system crash is kept to a minimum. If the company requires access records for marketing operations evaluation and creation, look for solutions that support analytics tools.
Key features of a domain
The domain serves as the site’s address. It is the “translation” of the server IP address on which the page is hosted to a readable written address. We can access any web-based content through it.
The structure of a URL varies depending on the type of address. Pages that end in “.com”, are designated for business services. Those ending in.gov are for government institutions, while those ending in.org are for non-governmental organizations.
A complete address will be in the form http://www.name-of-site.com, where HTTP helps the browser identify the communication protocol (in this case, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol). The www denotes that the page is available via the World Wide Web, and it is followed by the page’s name. Finally, the indicators of the type of domain (commercial, governmental, etc.) and the country are inserted in the last two divisions.
It is not always necessary to type all of this information in order to access a page. With recent technological advancements, the need to type “www” before accessing a domain, has been eliminated. Furthermore, it is not uncommon to come across pages that lack the country flag at the end of the URL.
How Do I Get A Domain?
Purchasing a domain is a relatively simple process. Once the availability of the domain has been determined, you can register the domain by filling out a registration form and paying for registration. You must configure the DNS values after domain registration and payment confirmation in order for the domain to work on your site. DNS is in charge of converting your domain name to the IP address of the hosting server where your website is stored. The web hosting service provider will provide you with DNS values.
Domain registrations are renewed on an annual basis, but it is possible to register a domain for a period longer than one year by simply selecting the number of years desired at the time of registration. If the user fails to renew by the deadline, the address will be frozen for a few weeks. When it is frozen, the domain is disabled, but it can still be recovered by the person who registered it if the renewal fee is paid. If the domain is not renewed, it will expire and can be registered by anyone who is interested.
With hosting and a registered domain, simply configure the DNS so that the two services “speak” and your site works with the domain that you selected.
What role do domains and hosting play in the creation of a website?
It is impossible to create and publish a web page without a hosting server and the registration of a domain. Both articulate so that people can access web content. If the hosting server were a house, the domain would be its address, allowing anyone on the internet to find it.
Because they are two fundamental components of any page, the company must carefully define the services used to register the domain and store the web page. This will avoid inconvenience and ensure the dependability of your site. Furthermore, the domain should be easy to remember so that people can always return to your site.
If are you thinking of purchasing cheap shared web hosting in India contact us today for detailed plans and packages.